Watch for Location. Legend has it that this old lady is seen since the past 200 years. There were stories told about this old lady. Its only on certain occasions she travels that road to feed her grand children.
05. Ghost in School | Real Ghost Caught on Camera This is a most terrifying incident caught on camera from a village school. In the video footage a ghostly figure has been caught on cam sitting inside an empty classroom. The staff and students have reported whispers, strange noises and even a large shadow that looms in school surroundings. But it is first time that ghostly figure was captured in camera.
04. Ghost Screaming on haunted road This video was taken by some bikers. They lost their way and reached some haunted place. it was very dark night. nothing was visible and they feel something weird on this road, they started hearing screaming and crying sounds all over the place but didn't able to identify place. and at last they saw something on the road ahead of them. and when they turned the light to it. it was terrific scene.